Tour e proposte
Visite guidate per gruppi, privati, famiglie e scolaresche
oltre agli itinerari proposti é sempre possibile prenotare tour personalizzati
il centro storico
Tour del centro storico partendo dalla bella piazza del Römerberg con le sue casette a graticcio inconfondibili e toccando tutti i punti di maggiore interesse nel cuore della cittá antica,
l'immancabile Eisenersteg dal quale si puó ammirare il centro storico e insieme i grattacieli dal fiume, il Duomo imperiale, la nuova Cittá-vecchia (neue Altstadt) punto d'interesse dei turisti di tutto il mondo, la Chiesa di San Paolo (Paulskirche) luogo storico del primo Parlamento tedesco,
L'entrata alla Sala Imperiale (Kaisersaal) con i ritratti degli imperatori,
alla Casa di Goethe che diede i natali al celebre scrittore tedesco del '700
al Museo storico con molti reperti storici cittadini
sono prenotabili separatamente e per tutti i tipi di tour classici.
Goethe Haus
Historisches Museum
Prezzi su richiesta
Florida: Lake City
If you really enjoy spending your vacation ‘on water’ or would like to try something new and exciting for the first time, then you can consider a houseboat vacation.
There are so many fun things to do and so many great landscapes to see on a houseboat vacation!
But before making further plans, let’s take a look at the options that you have for a low-cost vacation on water.
You could rent a houseboat this year and try out an altogether exotic kind of vacation this year, or you could indulge in a houseboat timeshare.
Doesn’t that sound great? But let’s see how and why houseboat timeshares can offer you with such fabulous opportunities of low-cost vacationing on water. Initially the concept of timeshare appeared somewhere in the 1960’s in France.
Den Norden erleben
In the heart of the French Alps, in the north east of the Rhone Alps region lies the village of Les Houches.
Nestled at one end of the Chamonix valley in the Mont Blanc region of the Haute Savoie Les Houches had long been the considered a mere satellite village of its much more illustrious neighbor Chamonix – the world capital of skiing and mountaineering.
Of course the locals knew better and many high mountain guides, ski instructors and pisteurs had long since migrated to this quite and peaceful corner of the Chamonix valley.
However, it wasn’t long before the resort became recognised as a little gem in the centre of the Mont Blanc Massif and tourism bloomed due in a large part to Les Houches’ incredibly easy access to and from Geneva airport.